Beowulf Mining is dying – the share only SEK 0.16

Beowulf Minings extremt låga aktiekurs visar att bolaget saknar förtroende och är nära konkurs

Beowulf Mining’s value is only SEK 0.16 per share – the company is dying!
It can’t be much fun to be a major shareholder in the scandal-ridden British company Beowulf mining. The fortune seeker’s share value has fallen by a fabulous 72 percent in five years!
Today, January 14, 2024, the company’s worthless shares are paid for with only 0,16 SEK.
0,16 SEK.
Per share.

If heads are stupid, bodies suffer.
But when people are so stupid that they want to pay to keep a rogue company like this under their arms, they have themselves to blame. When speculators want to enrich themselves at the expense of other people – at the life and livelihood of residents, at the survival of an entire indigenous culture landscape, at the expense of the animals, the water and all of nature – then it’s only right that they lose their blood money. If heads are stupid, bodies suffer.

The Cult of the Swedish Government
It doesn’t matter that Beowulf has the entire Swedish government behind them, with the support of a united mining lobby. And the EU. Beowulf Mining’s bubble will burst soon. Very soon. It has to be like this when a company has a total lack of trust like Beowulf Mining. But the cult of the Swedish government, strangely enough, apparently still has confidence in this crazy company.

Beowulf Mining is dying, but it is better than an entire Sami cultural landscape  die with the mine construction in Gállok, Kallak.
Lilla Lule river at Björkholmen from Gállok (Kallak).

360 meters straight down into its imaginative open pit mine
Beowulf Mining plc. is dying. No matter how many lies, exaggerations and manipulations the company continues to pound out in order to desperately cling to their mine, they will fall. 360 meters straight down into an imaginative open pit mine.

What Local People?
A company that first raised its stake in Lapland north of Kvikkjokk in northern Sweden, Jokkmokk municipality, as their flagship, which, when asked at a shareholder meeting about what the local people would think of a mine in Gállok, showed a sign on an empty clear cut and said ”What Local People?”, who drilled and spread hydraulic oil, who drove over bogs and springs, who felled old-growth forest and plowed through pine plantations to illegally test drill on private owned land, who carried out useless natural value surveys, who constantly lied, exaggerated and manipulated about, among many other things, that the low-grade iron ore in Gállok (Kallak) is super important for the green transition and that the municipality of Jokkmokk will receive ONE BILLION in tax revenue during the mine’s short lifespan. And more, much more madness.

If, theoretically, against all logic, the company gets a green light for their mine and actually starts hiring people and blasting up the open pit mine – if they don’t sell the mine with all the permits, which mineral prospectors usually do – there is our last line of defense to prevent the start of mining in Gállok. Massive peaceful civil disobedience carried out by several hundred activists!

But we have to hope that the title of this post becomes reality, Beowulf Mining is dying – the share only SEK 0.16. When they come to a halt and die, the fight ends for this time, but the battle is not yet won!

This year I have been fighting for 18 years against the monster from Britain. My finances are therefore strained and dependent on donations from good natural people. You are welcome to contribute an amount on:

Tor Tuorda Account Number: 6204 305 655 388
IBAN: SE76 6000 0000 0003 0565 5388

Many thanks for your gift!

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